Ok.. It's been a few long months since I blogged about this sweet baby boy. I have A LOT of amazing pictures and fun stories and I NEED to get them down in writing before I forget! So.. I'm gonna share photos and let you take in the amazingness of this sweetheart. Hopefully I'll get all the stories in!
This kid has always loved bath time. So far he still does. hahaha.
Church has been a LOT of fun lately! He's doing really well in nursery and shares all the toys! I am still serving in primary so there's been a few times when he's had to join me, but for the most part, he's loving life.
He does pretty well in Sacrament meeting, but still struggles a little.
He loves to yell at Dad on the stand (He's in the bishopric!)
He also tends to put his arm up last when we sustain people which makes it seem like he's not in favor...
A couple weeks ago he was standing on the bench and wouldn't quit lifting his shirt up...
He loves to yell for the bread and water while waiting for the sacrament...
He loves to hit the hymn books in their little pouch because it makes a really loud noise...
He's finally folding his arms and bowing his head during the prayer and he loves to say Amen really loud.. :D
He also likes to carry my purse everywhere.
I'm pretty sure he kicked his legs enough to scoot his chair all the way to the other side of the kitchen.
Ty LOVES shoes right now. He knows he's supposed to put them on when it's time to go but he usually finds mom or dad's shoes first. Oh, and he calls them "ores." Not sure why. haha
Ty doesn't love it when mom has to leave for work. Sometimes he's happy and waves at me but sometimes he cries and it rips my heart out.
His first fort!! Oma made this for him when she was here and he LOVED it!
This was from Ty telling gma he loves her! He was wearing his "Somebody from Erie loves me" shirt so we had to send them a picture. :)
Ty LOVES his bike right now!!! He rides it all the time. And it's a good thing Daddy loves it too. haha.
He even rode it into his room. Right before bedtime.
Ty is learning to open and close doors. This time he tried to close himself between the front door and the screen door.
I LOVE watching the them play in bed. LOVE LOVE LOVE the two of them together.
If the fridge gets opened when he's in the room, you will most definitely find him there. Either emptying out the condiments, putting magnets on the side of the door, or just sitting. hahaha
He is super in love with grandma and grandpa's swing set. It was actually purchased when I was 5, in 1993 and we've been playing on it ever since. It's been re-finished a few times and now the grand babies love it as much as we did. It's hard for me to watch him climb like that tho. I'm the crazy worried mom and think the worst is gonna happen every time. But he climbs up like a champ! I need to stop worrying!
I definitely snuck this pic while we were saying prayers He was closing his eyes just one second before I took this! Just recently when he's been praying he's saying more than just Amen. He'll say Rush and Peypey and mommy and daddy and brody. We think he's just saying he's grateful/wants to bless us. Either way, it's a good thing. :D
This isn't a very thorough post, i'm pretty sure it's from back in February. And it's May... SORRY!! Gonna go find some more pics and post them on a new post. :)
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