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Month 2!!

Holy Hannah! I can't believe it's already been 3 months!!! It's ridiculous. So i'm going back to month 2 because I didn't post any pictures.. haha. I'm sorry! It's crazy how little I feel like I do but how busy I am at the same time. Prolly because this little one requires quite a bit of attention! Oh well. He's kinda cute and super in love with him, so I forgive him! ha

So here are a bunch of pictures with some explanation and some stories that I can remember that may or may not be related to the picture. :D

Baby Ty loves his daddy!

This was actually really cute. They fell asleep together and Brody had to get in on it. He is super great with Ty. Likes to come and lick his toes and then goes on his way. haha. They will be best friends one day!

Sleeping on the couch together!

So little and cute!!

Sometimes he'll get startled while he's sleeping and then he just stays in that position. This one was particularly funny. haha

Can you see his face in this pic?! hahaha. Love it!!

This is the first box of diapers we bought! Up until this point he had been wearing newborn diapers that had been given to us by people at our baby showers. But we eventually had to buy some! Proud daddy moment! haha

His first smile caught on camera! haha

Baby Ty loves the bath! Thanks Aunt Peta and Uncle Jeff for the awesome bath! haha

We got to go see our friends across the street and Spencer and Oliver wanted to hold him!

Mommy & Daddy's Answered Prayer. :D Nuff said. 

Hangin out with daddy!

These are balloons from Baby James' funeral. Our very good friends lost their little boy and it was just heartbreaking. I spent a lot of time just holding my sweet baby and being grateful that I'm allowed to have him with me. 

This is Hunter's blanket. Hunter is my cousin who passed away almost 12 years ago. His mom (My Aunt Connie) gave his blanket to me. It says "Thank Heaven for little boys." It's my favorite.  

Morning snuggles. :)

First time  using my Moby! It's super awesome and I love it A LOT! I was making cookies and he just wanted to be held, So here he is! haha

"Daddy and I agree Mom's the Boss." Mommy's favorite onsie. :) 

BTW, He started wearing 3-6 month clothes at just 2 months! He's a chunker!

It was Grandparent's Day so I made this collage of all the grandbabies! I kinda love it!

MC Hammer pants. hahahaha. I love them!

Baby's two month appointment!! 

Poor baby got shots and didn't love them very much. I don't blame him! He got three in the legs and one that was a liquid by mouth. After it was all done I picked him up to snuggle him and he projectile vomited it all up all over me!!! hahaha. It was impressive and sad and super funny. 

After the doc's office all he wanted to do was snuggle all day. Definitely not his happy cute self but Mommy didn't complain. I love baby snuggles. :)

Holding Dad's hand. :)

Baby Ty got presents from Aunt Leslie! He LOVES his sleepers!! haha. And his moose. SO much. :)


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